Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Discover your colour personality.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm.... I'm thinking that this is a very flawed test. I'm primarily a "Pop Art" (sounds really odd to me) but I hate just about every color in this palette. I'm secondarily a "Leather, Stone and Wood" (sounds like a good possibility to me) but I'm only mildly attracted to some of the colors in this palette.

I guess my senses (the basis for this test) are just as jumbled as my brain....

Greybishop said...

Tapestry and Mosaic followed by Desert Spice.

Actually fairly accurate. I liked the pallette from Tapestry and Mosaic for "living" and the Desert Spice pallate for "rest".

My house is maroon, green and butter cream in the living area, purple, blue and green (vivid!) in the dens and creative spaces and muted rust, muted green and tan in the sleeping areas...

What can I say? I'm a colourful guy.

Anonymous said...

I'm Al Fresco and 2nd Water Bead, my wife is water bead and 2nd Al Fresco. I could've answered her questions for her.

LOSTbean said...

now you know i had to do this, being a chromophobe and all. ;o) turns out that i am, no, not a vanilla bean as some of you might have suspected, but rather i am primarily leather, stone, and wood, and secondarily water beads. all i know is i REALLY want that cruise thru the greek islands they offered as one of the vacation choices. when do i get to do that?

Sawsee said...

I was surprised with my colour palette too--Desert Spice-- but I did like it.

Greybishop said...

I dug most of the palettes they had put together, each for various reasons. I tend to want to put colour in certain areas for certain reasons. My kitchen is as it was when I bought the house, a grey/blue on the walls and blue faux marble countertops with white cabinets. My only addition was some dark blue curtains (which the cats are really enjoying shredding) to make it a "masculine" space. I would have chosen white cabinets for the kitchen, despite my colour fetish. It's a good example of function versus preference.

I would be inclined to choose a palette per room rather than a palette for the whole home. Maybe that's just me?