Friday, October 05, 2007

A living example of prehistoric life.


Greybishop said...

I remember when this guy first showed up on CNN, it was a big deal. Not much about it since.

A perfect example of how mass-media does a crappy job of reporting science. Evem IF they manage to get the facts right and present them in a coherant way, they still never do any follow up once the big splash dies out.

Sawsee said...

Hey GB!

Yes, the media tends to rush to publish the 'news' but lacks in the follow up. The one exception to this rule, is if the story is related to a Paris Hilton, Brittany Spears or any other similar 'celebrity.

I read the shark died 4 hours after this video was taken.

Greybishop said...

Now if only we could get Paris, Brittany and Lindsay to do a little scientific research...

Sawsee said...

That's a great idea!

How about an update by Brittany on CERN?

Greybishop said...

She'd probably want to wear a custom made science bikini.

Sawsee said...

Hey GB! What, may I ask, is a 'science bikini?

Is it as small as a molecule?

Is it atomically correct?

Greybishop said...

It's the Brittany/Lindsay/Paris version of a lab coat.

Sawsee said...

Ok, I'm getting the idea! I expect the lab coat version does not have a pocket protector?

Greybishop said...

Of course it has a pocket protector! It's just a really small one for really small pens.

Sawsee said...
