Thursday, March 20, 2008

The 'Big dog' robot is too real?

This is the newest video of 'Bigdog', the amazing robot (I posted an earlier video last year).

Bigdog moves in such a human way, it looks too real. Unreal!


Greybishop said...

Awesome. I remember many years ago reading that roboticists had yet to get a robot to walk on a smooth floor with any consistancy.

Problem solved, it would seem.

Get that thing small enough and it could be programmed as a helper for the elderly in their own homes, or for a robot butler for the Jetson-set...

Anonymous said...

Wow! I don't have sound, so I don't know what commentary I missed. It is really amazing. At first it reminded me of those walking vehicles in the beginning of Empire Strikes Back, then, the faster it got, it reminded me of a fly without wings...Big Fly, rather than Big Dog...

Lady-in-Gray said...

At first glance, I thought it was a giant flea!

Sawsee said...

Flea, fly or butler!

newbie: the only sound on the video was an annoying mechanical sound, similar to a buzzing fly (a vocal flea?) or a whining robot butler accused of sneaking a dollop of oil.


Greybishop said...

Was I the only one who actually felt BAD when the guy kicked the thing to show how good it's balance was?

I caught myself thinking how much of a prick he was! To a ROBOT. Talk about anthropomorphizing...

Sawsee said...


It is so life-like! I was amazed when it (he/she) scrambled to remain upright , on the ice.