Monday, April 21, 2008

Here's a picture of our new dog! We rescued her from the shelter as nobody was adopting her as she is 9 years old and has inoperable damage to her knee and hip dysplasia. All we can do is give her a happy life and give her glucosamine. She was moving around quite well until a few days ago, when she spotted a duck--who must have been injured too as the duck basically ran across the grass having difficulty getting airborne. Now, Blackie (her original name from her previous owners) is hobbling around, but still wagging her tail.


Lady-in-Gray said...

Awww. Blackie is a lot like me: old and gimpy, but young at heart and still wagging my tail. If I ever end up in a "shelter", I hope you guys will come and rescue me...

Way to go Sawsee and Canine Ridge! Blackie is so lucky that you found her. I'm sure that all of you will bring joy to each other's hearts....

:-) :-) :>) :>) :>)

J said...

Hi LiG, thanks! She is a very sweet dog, I don't understand how people can abandon pets... but like our pet food store guy said to me, karma can work its way around, and if Blackie's previous owner gets old and lame, things may not look so good for him/her!
My buddhist thought for the day.

Lady-in-Gray said...

I can't understand it either, Canine Ridge. They must be idiot fools.

I'm sure that good karma follows you and Sawsee where ever you go, though. I'm proud to count you among my friends.


Greybishop said...

To Sawsee and Canine Ridge:
Good for you! Give ums a big scratchy-wachy for me!

To Blackie:
Woof, bark, bark, yip, woof! Good dog.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on Blackie! She is beauty! What a lucky poochie to have such a great new home. You two are terrific!

Sawsee said...

Hi All!

Thanks for the nice comments.

Don't worry Lady, we'll rescue you!

As CR said, it just baffles us that someone, after 9 years of having a pet would decide to toss her out onto the streets. She has a tattoo (cool dog!) which identifies her and the original owner, so we know that 'our pouch' was not lost. "Lost'...hmmm.

One of our dreams is to open a 'home' for senior dogs. Last month we saw in the newspaper a local family wanting to find a home for their two 10 year old dogs. We don't know the circumstances, but assume the couple was either being transferred or going through a divorce and could not take their dogs. We came close to calling but after a few weeks someone has offered a home for them.

It must be so hard on the dogs (or kitty, hamster, cricket) to enjoy a nice life (we hope!) and then find themselves sitting in a cage at the shelter. Puppies or kittens are adopted quickly but the seniors are last to go, if at all.

Lady-in-Gray said...

One of the dog food companies, Pedigree (I think), regularly runs commercials from the dog-in-the-shelter perspective. The animals express their confusion about being there in a cage. These commercials will tear your heart out....

Thank you, Sawsee. I'm so relieved to know that I'll be rescued if I end up in a "shelter". I can be your Alpha Lady at your Senior Center for Dogs....


Anonymous said...

Lady, you are hilarious! I love when the "alpha" hockey lover comes out in your comments, too funny. Yes, it is Pedigree, a friend and I were just discussing the other day how it takes hours to recover from those commercials...the sad doggie eyes looking up as David Duchovny's sad sack voice says "My family moved to a new home, but didn't take me..." Wah! Lump in throat just recalling it...I love your senior home for dogs idea, Sawsee, and hope that it can come true one day. It's fantastic to start with one 9 year old gem, though. Again, well done!!!

LOSTbean said...

awwwwww...blackie is adorable. i don't dogs' tails EVER stop. congrats on the new addition!

Sawsee said...

Thanks lostbean!

I think we've seen those commercials; I don't remember Duchovny's voice though...