Thursday, April 10, 2008

Newly discovered frog has no lungs! Gasp!


Greybishop said...

I read about this guy this week. So cool.

Too bad that the mining in the area is polluting his habitat to the point that the water might not hold enough oxygen to sustain him...

Stupid humans.

Sawsee said...

Hey GB!

I was talking to a fellow that had recently quit his job as a truck driver for a private lumber company. He said the owner only wanted the outer slabs from first growth trees and had them burn the remaining tree core. These trees were, on average, 9 feet in diameter and had to be close to a thousand years old.

Greybishop said...

Painful to contemplate that sort of waste.

Stupid humans.

Lady-in-Gray said...

Stupid, greedy humans!