Pike was captain in the pilot episode, before Kirk. Then they reshot a new pilot with Shatner. At one point, they had a production crunch, not enough time to produce the two episodes they needed, so Roddenbury created a "sandwich" episode, re-using the hyper-expensive original pilot footage. The original "Pike" actor wasn't available, so the story had the character badly wounded and confined to a futuristic wheelchair. By deforming his face with scar tissue, they were able to cast a different actor in the role, since he never spoke. The two part episode "The Cage" is the result.
Ironically, we have technology TODAY that outstrips Captain Pike's then futuristic light blinking tech.
Stephen Hawking "speaks" using a computer that he controls with the last part of his body that he has any control over, a single cheek muscle. Using this cheek muscle, he can do FAR more than blink yes or no. He still actively gives lectures, writes and works on various physics problems, all with one muscle.
[Trekkie]Captain Pike's chair![/Trekkie]
"Make it so!" Or was that Kirk?
Do I even know a Pike!?
Original series.
Pike was captain in the pilot episode, before Kirk. Then they reshot a new pilot with Shatner. At one point, they had a production crunch, not enough time to produce the two episodes they needed, so Roddenbury created a "sandwich" episode, re-using the hyper-expensive original pilot footage. The original "Pike" actor wasn't available, so the story had the character badly wounded and confined to a futuristic wheelchair. By deforming his face with scar tissue, they were able to cast a different actor in the role, since he never spoke. The two part episode "The Cage" is the result.
I've never checked but I wonder if it is available off of iTunes?
Probably. It's certainly available in reruns on various networks...
Hi sawsee!
BTW: "Make it so!" was a favoUrite saying of Captain Picard's...
Hey GB!
Blink your light once for yes & twice for no...
(or was that the other way around?)
qt -
Once for yes, twice for no.
Ironically, we have technology TODAY that outstrips Captain Pike's then futuristic light blinking tech.
Stephen Hawking "speaks" using a computer that he controls with the last part of his body that he has any control over, a single cheek muscle. Using this cheek muscle, he can do FAR more than blink yes or no. He still actively gives lectures, writes and works on various physics problems, all with one muscle.
Hi qt!
The two lines that jump into my brain are: 'Make it so' and 'Beam me up Scotty'.
What did Kirk say when he wanted to accelerate the Enterprise? "Let's go real fast", doesn't sound right...?
; )
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