Hi all. She was born on April 14th. She was 8 lbs 14 onces and 20 inches long. She's very healthy, and getting bigger. She's easily 10+ lbs now maybe 11. She's the easiest of the three, very low maintenance. Her name is Truly Madeline. We call her Truly, Tru, True Blue, Tru Tru Train. We thought about naming her Kiki, but that sounds like Kinky and I just couldn't have a daughter nicknamed Kinky. My son will be 4 this month and he sings to her, and if she cries, he sings faster. JDH
As a kid I was in love with the woman from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. And her name stuck with me all this time. Truly Scrumptious. My 2 yr old daughter is named Kate. Guess where that came from. JDH
Congratulations! I'm so happy to hear that all is well with you and your family. And, that your son is loving being a big brother! How cool is that? Enjoy!
Ooops! A double entry, although in this case it makes sense!
Our little (78 pounds) bundle of joy is great, although she walks a lot on 3 legs...until that is, a nice bunny or duck are spotted. Then her injury seems to disappear momentarily as she scares them away.
The vet said we have 2 choices: have the dog on a short leash, limiting its ability to run and play; or allow the dog to enjoy life and have fun.
Not sure if any of y'all have this where you live, but there are 2 dog parks (designated green space for doggies/owners) right by my work. It is hilarious to watch all the dogs run around together, or watch a bunch of them go after a tennis ball like bat outta he**. Odd how most dogs get along with new doggies on the spot, but put 2 cats together that don't know each other and it's gonna be ugly!
I am glad Blackie is enjoying life! I am sure he'd rather gimp around a bit than sit back and watch small creatures zip on by.
Hi all, congratulations JDH, I love the name Truly, very cool moniker. Hope everything continues smoothly.
Regarding Blackie, we decided to change her name, and had many ideas, but have chosen Radley (in reference to another great movie/book character, Boo Radley, in To Kill a Mockingbird). We felt it was appropriate as she was discarded for being lame, and nobody wanted her, but she has made our life richer, as she is such a happy thing, despite being physically challenged.
yes, but not too loud, don't want to scare anyone! We call her Boo Boo sometimes, and oddly, she answers to that too! I think she responds to any kind voice, actually, like anyone... right Lady? !
OK, I'll go first. JDH, do you have some news for us?
On other matters, the headline in the Dallas Morning News today reads: It's Marty Time!
Marty Turco hasn't won a game at The Joe since his college days at the University of Michigan. Oh, my! Puck drops at 6:30 CDT....
Go Stars!
Sawsee and Canine Ridge,
I just wanted to check in and see how Blackie was doing! ;o) (woof!)
Ditto on news from JDH.
And on Blackie! How's the new pooch adjusting? Is your other pup accomodating?
And how's every little thing with Sawsee and Canine Ridge?
Hi all. She was born on April 14th. She was 8 lbs 14 onces and 20 inches long. She's very healthy, and getting bigger. She's easily 10+ lbs now maybe 11. She's the easiest of the three, very low maintenance. Her name is Truly Madeline. We call her Truly, Tru, True Blue, Tru Tru Train. We thought about naming her Kiki, but that sounds like Kinky and I just couldn't have a daughter nicknamed Kinky. My son will be 4 this month and he sings to her, and if she cries, he sings faster.
Congrats JDH!!!!!! How awesome! Very cool name too! And so many nicknames already-that's hilarious. How did you come up with her name?
As a kid I was in love with the woman from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. And her name stuck with me all this time. Truly Scrumptious.
My 2 yr old daughter is named Kate. Guess where that came from.
Hey JDH!
That's awesome! I sent you and e-mail that directly relates!
Hey, JDH!
Congratulations! I'm so happy to hear that all is well with you and your family. And, that your son is loving being a big brother! How cool is that? Enjoy!
Hugs to you and your family.
Hi All!
Congratulations JDH! Very exciting news! I love the story of your son "singing faster"!
Hi All!
Congratulations JDH! Very exciting news! I love the story of your son "singing faster"!
Ooops! A double entry, although in this case it makes sense!
Our little (78 pounds) bundle of joy is great, although she walks a lot on 3 legs...until that is, a nice bunny or duck are spotted. Then her injury seems to disappear momentarily as she scares them away.
The vet said we have 2 choices: have the dog on a short leash, limiting its ability to run and play; or allow the dog to enjoy life and have fun.
Well, Sawsee, I think you're doing the right thing.
Happy limping puppy seems a better option than an unhappy four footer...
Hopefully, Blackie agrees.
Hey GB!
Yes, I feel the dog is the best monitor of her abilities. She's happy, even when she's limping.
We went to the 'Big City' yesterday, and left her at a dog sitter. The sitter just happens to have a 135 lb. giant puppy. Fun was had by all!
Not sure if any of y'all have this where you live, but there are 2 dog parks (designated green space for doggies/owners) right by my work. It is hilarious to watch all the dogs run around together, or watch a bunch of them go after a tennis ball like bat outta he**. Odd how most dogs get along with new doggies on the spot, but put 2 cats together that don't know each other and it's gonna be ugly!
I am glad Blackie is enjoying life! I am sure he'd rather gimp around a bit than sit back and watch small creatures zip on by.
Hi all, congratulations JDH, I love the name Truly, very cool moniker. Hope everything continues smoothly.
Regarding Blackie, we decided to change her name, and had many ideas, but have chosen Radley (in reference to another great movie/book character, Boo Radley, in To Kill a Mockingbird). We felt it was appropriate as she was discarded for being lame, and nobody wanted her, but she has made our life richer, as she is such a happy thing, despite being physically challenged.
Hi, guys!
Yay for a Happy Radley! Happiness trumps everything else! Right?
Can I call her "Boo"?
yes, but not too loud, don't want to scare anyone! We call her Boo Boo sometimes, and oddly, she answers to that too! I think she responds to any kind voice, actually, like anyone... right Lady? !
boo boo-cuuuuute! i love it.
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