Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Check out these lost creations!

"A helmet-like balloon that is connected with the seat can be tilted over the heads of the two people seated. Their heads thus are enclosed a narrow cylindrical space that is covered by a glass-clear plastic dome above which a transparent balloon hovers. A series of lines and stamped-out shapes made of reflective foil are placed on both the dome and the surface of the balloon in such a way that, depending on whether you concentrate on the level closer or further away from you, the elements constantly overlay each other to form new patterns."


Anonymous said...

nice blog isnt it?

berto xxx

rosezinlace said...

this is great! i dont have much time right now but i have you in my favorites for later and on my desktop for my grandson to view, he will also love your site. donna

Greybishop said...

I don't know about the creations themselves, but I love this picture from the site:

LOSTbean said...

"...the elements constantly overlay each other to form new patterns."

Based on the people in the photo, I am not gonna touch that with a ten foot pole. ;o)