On an off topic, I wanted to say thanks for your recommendations of science books for me to review. Physics of the Impossible was awesome and the review is posted.
I've also reviewed Death by Black Hole, but since I'm supposed to review one per week it'll be a week or so before I publish that review.
I've also read Only a Theory and will be reviewing it shortly.
As for income, it's very, very low. About $1.50 for every 1000 page impressions. I have 80+ articles up, but I guestimate that I'll need about 800 or so before I see a decent paycheck and about 8000 before I can start paying any bills with the cash. It's passive income though, so as long as the site stays open, a trickle of cash comes my way.
Naturally, Canada gets the shaft.
I'm sure it'll arrive here eventually, but how frustrating is that!?!
It's an awesome site!
Hey Sawsee!
On an off topic, I wanted to say thanks for your recommendations of science books for me to review.
Physics of the Impossible was awesome and the review is posted.
I've also reviewed Death by Black Hole, but since I'm supposed to review one per week it'll be a week or so before I publish that review.
I've also read Only a Theory and will be reviewing it shortly.
Awesome picks, Sawsee. Thanks!
Great GB! I'll keep my eyes open (and brain) for any other books worthy.
Cheers! Have you seen any income yet from the Suite?
Thanks Sawsee! Any suggestions would be great.
As for income, it's very, very low. About $1.50 for every 1000 page impressions. I have 80+ articles up, but I guestimate that I'll need about 800 or so before I see a decent paycheck and about 8000 before I can start paying any bills with the cash. It's passive income though, so as long as the site stays open, a trickle of cash comes my way.
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