Not a Pelican, for sure. Could have been a juvenile Eagle (I didn't see a white head), though. If I get to see the underside of one of these birds, I might recognize it.
I have to remember the time zone difference. I keep tuning in when it's dark! This is cooler than the penguin cam. :-D
Three eaglets in the Sydney nest, two eggs in the Hornby nest due to hatch this weekend and two unfertile eggs in the Delta nest. The Delta parents haven't quite given up sad.
Hi GL -- I tune in when it is dark too... I guess I think it is always daytime on the world wide web! I am watching for the eaglets on Hornby Island also ~ and I brought a young black cat home from the animal shelter today ( to foster her) She is from Hornby Island too! ... a stray, with torn ears, and full of fleas when she first arrived. She is very fearful so that is why she needed a foster home. She is much happier already, even though she is homed out in our workshop, she is quite happy!
One eaglet hatched in the Hornby nest this morning! Sadly, I missed it because I had to unplug my computer for a while due to storms in my neighborhood. The second egg should hatch Wednesday or Thursday. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to catch that one...
There were two last night, Sawsee. You're starting to scare me. I just waited about 45 minutes for Mom to move, but she didn't. I think I hear two, one much more vocal than the other. I'll keep checking back....
Sad news at the Delta 1 nest today. One of the two eaglets fell out of the (very small and shallow) nest last night and was killed.
All is still going well at the Sidney nest, though. This nest is much larger than the other two. That's a really good thing because there are three eaglets there.
The eaglets in the Sidney nest have grown quickly and have discovered that there is a world outside of their nest. They spend a lot of time sitting on or near the rim of the nest watching the world around them....or maybe they're just watching for Mom or Dad to come back with food.
Thanks for the update! We had a Mom and Pop woodpecker family raising their new offspring in one of our trees. Occasionally, we still see the 3 of them flying around pecking at appealing tree bark.
All of the Sidney 'lets are flying now. The Hornby 'let fledged yesterday. The Delta 'let is still in the nest.
I got through my LOST withdrawal by watching these nests. I'm not sure what I'm going to do when all of these eagles head north to the salmon runs.....sigh.
I guess I'll just have to get "busy" with something else...
Sidney Nest: Six days ago, all three fledged eaglets gathered at the nest for happy hour and some snuggle time. The two older 'lets haven't been seen since. Presumably, they instinctively headed north to the salmon runs. The parents stayed behind with the youngest who had been pushed from the nest by a sibling before he could fly. Pa hasn't been seen for a couple of days, so he may have headed north too.
Hornby: The surviving eaglet has been flying for about a week now. As far as I know, the 'let and both parents are still in the area.
Delta OWL: The surviving 'let there was frightened by a falling branch this morning and fell from the nest. Rescuers found her on the ground and took her to a nearby rehab center. She appears to be OK, but they will check her out to be sure. She had not fledged yet, so has no survival skills on her own. As I understand it, the rehab center is a better place for her to learn these things than the ridiculously small nest that she was in. The same thing happened to the 'lets in that nest last year. Hopefully the parents will learn to build a better nest next year...
I can't tell you how interesting it has been watching these nests. Losing two eaglets was sad, but I have great joy and hope for the survivors. Thank you for the link, Sawsee.
It appears that the Hornby family began its northern migration sometime during the last two days. I will miss them. (sniff, sniff)
The Delta eaglet is still in rehab and progressing nicely.
Lots of drama at the Sidney nest(s). It seems that Dad has returned to help Mom with the youngest eaglet. They are doing their best to teach him how to be a "big boy" who can survive on his own. Like most teens, he's lazy and stubborn, though....
It appears that the Sidney Mom and her youngest eaglet headed north yesterday. I guess she just needed Dad to come back and get stern with him. Dad spent yesterday "winterizing" the nest. He has not been seen today, so I'm guessing that he has left too.
I saved this one on My Favorites. Thanks, Sawsee.
Hi Lady!
I'm glad you liked it. I love eagles!
I remember your story about the bird, windshield and your car but was it an eagle? Pelican?
Hey, Sawsee!
Not a Pelican, for sure. Could have been a juvenile Eagle (I didn't see a white head), though. If I get to see the underside of one of these birds, I might recognize it.
I have to remember the time zone difference. I keep tuning in when it's dark! This is cooler than the penguin cam.
Three eaglets in the Sydney nest, two eggs in the Hornby nest due to hatch this weekend and two unfertile eggs in the Delta nest. The Delta parents haven't quite given up sad.
Hi GL -- I tune in when it is dark too... I guess I think it is always daytime on the world wide web! I am watching for the eaglets on Hornby Island also ~ and I brought a young black cat home from the animal shelter today ( to foster her) She is from Hornby Island too! ... a stray, with torn ears, and full of fleas when she first arrived. She is very fearful so that is why she needed a foster home. She is much happier already, even though she is homed out in our workshop, she is quite happy!
One eaglet hatched in the Hornby nest this morning! Sadly, I missed it because I had to unplug my computer for a while due to storms in my neighborhood. The second egg should hatch Wednesday or Thursday. Maybe I'll be lucky enough to catch that one...
The second (and last) egg hatched sometime today. Sadly, I missed this one too.
I can only see one eaglet in the Hornby nest.
Should there be 2?
There were two last night, Sawsee. You're starting to scare me. I just waited about 45 minutes for Mom to move, but she didn't. I think I hear two, one much more vocal than the other. I'll keep checking back....
Yep! There are two eaglets in the Hornby and three in the Sidney nests. All is well!
Sad news at the Hornby nest today. I don't know the details, but the youngest eaglet is gone. Some sort of freak accident....
The three at Sidney are still doing well, though.
Sad news at the Delta 1 nest today. One of the two eaglets fell out of the (very small and shallow) nest last night and was killed.
All is still going well at the Sidney nest, though. This nest is much larger than the other two. That's a really good thing because there are three eaglets there.
The eaglets in the Sidney nest have grown quickly and have discovered that there is a world outside of their nest. They spend a lot of time sitting on or near the rim of the nest watching the world around them....or maybe they're just watching for Mom or Dad to come back with food.
The kids in the Sidney nest are learning what their wings can do. It's fun to watch!
Hi Lady!
Thanks for the update! We had a Mom and Pop woodpecker family raising their new offspring in one of our trees. Occasionally, we still see the 3 of them flying around pecking at appealing tree bark.
Hey, Sawseee!
Are you near any of these nests?
All of the Sidney 'lets are flying now. The Hornby 'let fledged yesterday. The Delta 'let is still in the nest.
I got through my LOST withdrawal by watching these nests. I'm not sure what I'm going to do when all of these eagles head north to the salmon runs.....sigh.
I guess I'll just have to get "busy" with something else...
July 30, 2009: Happy Birthday, Sawsee!
Sidney Nest: Six days ago, all three fledged eaglets gathered at the nest for happy hour and some snuggle time. The two older 'lets haven't been seen since. Presumably, they instinctively headed north to the salmon runs. The parents stayed behind with the youngest who had been pushed from the nest by a sibling before he could fly. Pa hasn't been seen for a couple of days, so he may have headed north too.
Hornby: The surviving eaglet has been flying for about a week now. As far as I know, the 'let and both parents are still in the area.
Delta OWL: The surviving 'let there was frightened by a falling branch this morning and fell from the nest. Rescuers found her on the ground and took her to a nearby rehab center. She appears to be OK, but they will check her out to be sure. She had not fledged yet, so has no survival skills on her own. As I understand it, the rehab center is a better place for her to learn these things than the ridiculously small nest that she was in. The same thing happened to the 'lets in that nest last year. Hopefully the parents will learn to build a better nest next year...
I can't tell you how interesting it has been watching these nests. Losing two eaglets was sad, but I have great joy and hope for the survivors. Thank you for the link, Sawsee.
August 8, 2009 Nest Updates:
It appears that the Hornby family began its northern migration sometime during the last two days. I will miss them. (sniff, sniff)
The Delta eaglet is still in rehab and progressing nicely.
Lots of drama at the Sidney nest(s). It seems that Dad has returned to help Mom with the youngest eaglet. They are doing their best to teach him how to be a "big boy" who can survive on his own. Like most teens, he's lazy and stubborn, though....
August 12, 2009:
Final (probably) nest update:
It appears that the Sidney Mom and her youngest eaglet headed north yesterday. I guess she just needed Dad to come back and get stern with him. Dad spent yesterday "winterizing" the nest. He has not been seen today, so I'm guessing that he has left too.
Now, I've got empty nest syndrome.....sigh.
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