Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Amazing "Bird's Eye view".

Here is a video for Eagle lovers. Please excuse the camera attached to the eagle; I'm sure it is harmless (and non permanent!).


Lady-in-Gray said...


Thanks, Sawsee. It's cool that the cameras include views of the bird as well as what the bird sees. Tilly didn't seem to mind the cameras at all.

Sawsee said...

Hi Lady! I was amazed to see how actively the eagle would move its head while flying.

Greybishop said...

Hey Sawsee!
Great to have your blog back in form!

For me, the most amazing part of that video was the shots of the wing and how much it looked like an airplane wing. The feathers seemed to disappear as they interlocked to form the surface.

Also cool was the wing tips and the tiny adjustments they made. I would bet money that one day we have gliding craft that use a technology that mimics those feathers at the wing tip.