Thursday, September 13, 2007

Google offers $30 million Lunar prize.


Anonymous said...

Ok, that is just crazy. All the bonus prizes for finding stuff and all. Could be really interesting and promising. I hope Google documents (documentary) some the groups that participate. What a media goldmine this could be. Just crazy.

J said...

Yes, very interesting, but not sure they should be encouraging so many new carbon footprints! They should plant a gazillion trees to counter balance this venture....

Anonymous said...

Hi Canine Ridge!
I envision utter chaos as everyone is launching or trying to launch their home made rockets at the moon. And there was a recent article about all the space debris orbiting the earth. Just crazy.
Google should take a page from Mexico.

J said...

Hi jdh, WOW! that is amazing about the trees! and I agree, Google should plant 3,000,000 trees instead! or pay someone who finds the cure to cancer, or something a bit more useful... but I guess the guys running google are barely out of their teens, right?

Anonymous said...

Hi, guys! I don't mean to offend, but I love this idea! I wish I had the talent and skills to sign up for this. Of course, the prize money won't even begin to cover expenses but I'm pretty sure that a small handful of teams will at least try to get it on the drawing board.

J said...

Hi Lady, maybe they can plant trees on the moon?

Anonymous said...

Hi, Canine Ridge! How are you doing today?

Trees on the moon would be nice, but first they'd have to build a biosphere to plant them in...

J said...

Doing well, Lady, thanks! A biosphere is a great idea, that surely could be worth a 40 million prize. maybe we should call Google?